Plastics industry: Learn why to invest in innovations in this sector

Growth in the plastics industry is expected to arise in the upcoming months in meeting with the global economic recovery in the US, according to the publication of the 2021 Size & Impact Report by the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS).

The report still points out that, “real plastics industry shipments are expected to increase 2.2% this year, following the 0.9% decrease last year. Labor and supply chain-related headwinds will affect the industry’s growth momentum this current year, followed by a 2.9% increase in shipments next year”.

The demand for sustainability, for example, is driving the development of new flexible packaging. In the global market, this sector is expected to move nearly $40 billion between 2020 and 2025, according to the Flexible Plastic Packaging Market report.

However, this flexible packaging is not the only innovation that will dictate the course of action of the plastics industry. If you want to make profitable and safe investments in this sector, you need to understand the technologies that heavily influence the current market. That's what we'll cover in this article. Read more:

Which markets are impacted by the plastics industry?

To understand how technological innovations in the plastics industry are guiding the segment's evolution, it is first important to reflect on technology’s position and its influences on the market as a whole.

As you already know, in addition to the classic packaging for storing goods, plastic materials today make up a large number of items and represent an important part of people’s day-to-day processes and businesses’ workflow. 

In this case, numerous examples can be mentioned. Plastics are present in:

  • Products for everyday use
  • Furniture
  • Construction areas
  • Automotive and electronics industry
  • Health area
  • Food 

Thus, it is no exaggeration to say that it is practically impossible to imagine a routine without this material. However, there is a growing movement in favor of reducing its use, motivated by the greater awareness of society about the importance of sustainability. 

At the same time, the plastics industry has also become heavily influenced by e-commerce, which has shown exponential growth during the health crisis and should continue to expand.

After all, how are investments in technology helping entrepreneurs meet these new demands? Is the sector already capable of offering alternatives that are, at the same time, more beneficial to the environment and aligned with new market paradigms?

How is technology transforming the industry?

The plastics industry is facing two major challenges. On one hand, it is essential to develop more sustainable alternatives. On the other hand, there is a growing search for solutions specifically aimed at e-commerce.

In e-commerce, the emphasis is on more functional packaging and logistics solutions. In other words, it is expected that they can keep the products safe during transport, they are easy to use and they have efficiency in the supply chain, among other similar differentials.

Data from the Flexible Packaging Association show that more than 60% of consumers are willing to pay higher prices for plastic packaging that has these attributes. After all, it is these differentials that enable the quality of online sales.

As for the reduction of environmental impacts, there are two distinct trends. One is related to the development of biodegradable materials. Another is linked to the greater durability of the products, which minimizes their disposal and encourages their reuse. 

Of course, to reach this level of improvement, all players in the plastics industry need to invest in innovations. This ranges from productive changes adopted by manufacturers, to research and development efforts by laboratories and suppliers, creation of circular chains, consumer awareness, and so on.

In fact, new strategies are on the way, however, it will evidently take some time for innovations to become the norm in the sector. Until then, how to stand out with the differentials that the market is already looking for and values ​​so much?

The main demand is for efficiency

It is now possible to obtain more efficient packaging and supplies in the plastics industry. A few years ago, the concern was, that there was no viable way at the time. . The answer to this demand lies in the efficiency, flexibility and excellent cost-benefit offered by rotational molding.

In addition to making it possible to manufacture lightweight, more resistant parts in different formats, with smooth and easy-to-clean surfaces, this technique also adds a longer usable life to the items. That is, the reduction of discarded material is guaranteed and its circular application is possible. 

Added to this, the absolute majority of materials used in rotational molding are polyethylene and PVC. Both of them are 100% recyclable and non-toxic. Therefore, they represent the ideal alternative in terms of environment and safe consumption. 

If you want to align yourself with the new trends that already determine the future of the industry, but want to get ahead and already adhere to more efficient and sustainable technologies, investments in rotational molding are certainly the ideal option. 

Rotoline is an absolute reference in the area and provides the best equipment for your production. Click here, to talk with our sales team and learn more about our machines.

