The Plastic Industry in the US: A market in constant growth

Currently the plastic industry is the third largest in the country (US), even with the ups and downs of the economy of recent years, the plastic market is one of the few that always maintains its constant growth and optimism. Only to Mexico, US exports more than 17 billion dollars with the plastic industry.

Still, according to experts, by 2020 the industry will already be worth more than 650 billion dollars.

The increased demand for flexible and durable materials for various applications has been one of the biggest factors responsible for the growth of the global plastics market. This is because consumers are increasingly replacing products manufactured by conventional materials such as metal, wood, glass and ceramics for plastic items.

The growing demand for lightweight and durable materials in the automotive and aerospace industries to increase fuel efficiency should also have a positive outlook for the market by 2020.

The Material Versatility

The use of plastic is constantly growing, because it is a material that is helping to significantly reduce environmental impacts due to its high efficiency, enabling us to do more with less, due to its great potential for reuse and its versatility. Through the rotomolding process it is possible to manufacture products for various segments, from industry and commerce to domestic use.

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The following are the main sectors in which Rotomolding is used:

  • Automotive industry;
  • Agricultural Industry;
  • Furniture industry;
  • Packaging industry, such as stackable containers, pallets and tanks;
  • Sports and Leisure Industry;
  • Water Treatment Industry;
  • Construction;
  • Marine Safety Equipment as buoys, life buoys, etc.

Resistance and High Durability that Result in Lower Environmental Impact

In 2016 the ACC (Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council) conducted a study that found that plastics help reduce environmental costs four times compared to other alternatives. Think about its role in the automotive industry, for example, rotomolded plastics have the ability to make very strong, even very light, transport vehicles. In civil construction, the numerous possible adaptations present in the plastic resins allow their application that goes from the foundation to the roof.

Estimated Market in Over 200 Billion Dollars

The materials made from the rotomolding have high durability and mechanical resistance, can be complex parts and in different colors without changing their properties. Rotomolded containers are used to store food, beverages, chemicals, among other products and equipment, since they support variations in temperature and do not react with the product, keeping it hygienic and free of odors. That is, plastic also plays an important role in food safety due to food packaging, which allows the consumer to keep their food fresh and safe for longer. The plastic packaging market is estimated at more than $ 200 billion and continues to grow.

Did you know that today there are several new technologies for the Rotomolding industry?

Nowadays the Market is offering Rotomolding Machines that distribute better heat, with heating systems that operate with two types of gas, NG and LPG, besides allowing temperature control, which results in greater economy. In order to facilitate and increase production, there are already on the market machines with 100% automation and options for automating parts of the process.

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